Innovative cutting edge energy storage solutions for a greener, safer more sustainable world
There is a need to find an energy storage system that is safe, cheap and renewable. The leading battery technology – lithium ion has many advantages but also many short coming. These can be summarised below
Volatile chemistry – risk of flammability/explosion
Scarce resources – lithium is and expensive and limited resource it is dangerous to extracted from the earth.
Not the best battery tech for many storage situation
As the market for batteries expands there is a need to novel battery chemistries that can best suit the needs of a particular industry sector.
Sidra Energy’s UPS
Sidra Energy has created an aqueous aluminium air battery that uses sea water and runs of recycled low purity aluminium.
Sidra’s unique selling point for it air batteries is listed below
Anode - Uses recycled common low purity aluminium
Electrolyte - runs on either sea water or an optimised salt electrolyte
Cathode - cheap, safe and robust Air electrodes
At the moment there are no commercially available aluminium air batteries. The companies that are working to commercialise aluminium air batteries use
Anode - High purity and expensive to produce aluminium
Electrolyte – corrosive alkaline, usually sodium or sotassium hydroxide
Cathode – silver nano particle or other exotic material that is expensive to produce
Sidra’s use of sustainable materials and its mission statement to create a true commercially viable products has resulted in an air battery that is ready to meet the needs of it consumers.
No emissions at point of use
No fire risk / thermal runaway
80% less emissions than hydrocarbons
Operating in extreme heat / cold
Uses recycled low cost, low purity aluminium as fuel source
Sea water as electrolyte
Carbon based air cathode no exotic catalyst used
Cost effective
With a cost of running at just £1 /Kwh (based on aluminium consumed)
Low cost carbon based air cathode easy to manufacture
Primary energy storage, no grid connection is needed
Battery can be stored indefinitely without electrolyte, no degradation